The Colossus
After the enthusiasm you showed us for the miniature of Volfyirion we decided to continue in this direction creating another terrifying creature living in the Mysthea Universe.
We imagined an imposing and menacing creature that has lived in the world of Icaion since immemorial time and that is pervaded by the power of Qoam crystals.
The miniature sketch by Travis Anderson
No one knows its origins and until recently most didn’t even know its existence. It seems to be attracted by the craters from which the floating islands detached millennia ago and the secrets they hide.
The model is full of details that convey its antiquity and its mystery. The most peculiar aspect of this creature is that on its back it established a colony of parasites, attracted by the ancient crystals of the colossus.
This infestation will play a fundamental role in the gameplay of Icaion, since it seems to use the slow movement of the Colossus as a vector to spread all over the place.
Seekers are one of the most important aspects of the game, since they represent the character that the player is going to impersonate during gameplay, for this reason we wanted to give each of them a unique personality and backstory.
There are many reasons for someone to join the Organization: most want to improve their social status, others want to prove themselves, but others have even more complex reasons for choosing such a harsh life. Every time a Seeker goes out with a convoy, they know that they will have to fight for their survival and that they might not return to the City.
Machines and the Infestation
These miniatures will represent things that will help or hinder the Seekers. The machines are powerful contraptions that once deployed will help with the extraction of valuables from the lands.
Parasites on the other side will prevent this process, menacing the success of a Seeker’s expedition. For this reason, one of the top priorities for Seekers is to take care of Infestations before they become too dangerous and compromise their operations. Some Seekers tell horrifying stories of these parasites merging together, forming even worse and more dangerous aberrations.