
 Game Expansions


Increase the complexity of the game and discover tricky and exciting strategic paths. New card types and mechanics are introduced by the different expansions available for Volfyirion Guilds.

Each expansion can be played either with Volfyirion or Volfyirion Guilds in 1vs1 mode and be combined with Volfyirion, Volfyirion Guilds, or any other expansion, for an even more challenging experience. In any case we do not recommend combining more than two expansions at the same time.

All the game Expansions are able to fit in the Universal Box of Volfyirion Guilds, in their own boxes, sleeved or unsleeved.


Get the valuable support of powerful allies to manage your Guild's resources in unexpected ways. Arbiters are new characters of the Msythea Universe introduced in Volfyirion Guilds as helpers that can convert Command Points into other kind of benefits, to keep the tension of the game always high.

Arbiters create the opportunity to play useful moves even when there are no interesting cards to buy or a hand is rich in command points to make the most of. There can only be one Arbiter in play at a time, and they stands in the player’s area to be usable at every turn, until they are removed or destroyed.

The Arbiter Expansion is a Kickstarter Exclusive which can be found only in the Kickstarter Edition of Volfyirion Guilds.


Accomplish your Guild's hidden agenda through low blows and slick interruptions during the opponent's turn that will increase the tension of the game.

The Ploy is a new type of card which comes along with its own several abilities.

A Ploy Card, with its asymmetric and secret new strategy, may allow you to beat your opponent, overwriting the rules of the game in specific conditions.

The new Ploy cards provide alternative ways to interact with the opponent, even during their turn, to sabotage their strategies when needed. A Ploy card must remain face down until they are played, but Ploys can also be drawn, forcefully revealed, swapped, or removed by the effect of other abilities during the game.




Bring to the table the inscrutable force of fate through a set collection mechanic. Make the Omen come true by collecting signs, sacrificing immediate gains to unravel treacherous powers.

The Omen is a new type of card which comes along with its own several abilities. 

An Omen card allows you to beat your opponents by building a long term alternative strategy that could be a game changer, if deployed in the right moment. This kind of strategy is not costless, but it surely leads to huge rewards.

The new Omen cards add powers that need specific set collections to trigger. The cards collected in this way are called Signs and can be added or removed during the game, offering new opportunities for direct interaction between players.
