


Volfyirion Guilds is a competitive, fast-paced, deck-building card game for 1-4 players, combinable with Volfyirion card game.

Volfyirion Guilds features new card types and mechanics, along with the original set of basic rules of Volfyirion. It’s a fast-paced card game easy to learn and setup, with a lot of strategic options.

Players are leaders of powerful Guilds, competing to prevail on one another. In order to win the game, a player must destroy all the cities owned by the opponent’s Guild. How this is achieved, depends on several factors: how players build their deck, the assets they deploy on the battlefield, and the way they manage to control and seize strategic opportunities.

A game of Volfyirion Guilds lasts from 20 to 40 minutes (but this time goes down with experience). All mechanics are time tested, to keep the battle always in motion and turns duration equally balanced.


Deck Building: symmetric start, strategic development

Players start the game with a standard pool of cards, which are also their initial resources. At every turn, the current hand of cards is revealed and those resources grant access to more powerful cards of different kinds.

Choosing carefully how to manage their resources, players can develop their deck according to their playing style and strategy.

There are many ways a House can grow and there are no dead ends: resources can always be spent on the deck development, even if they have been managed without thinking ahead.


Synergies and Combos

Cards can be used in many different ways, but the most effective are those triggered by their combination.

Synergies can be activated during a player’s turn, if cards that are connected to one another happen to be in the same hand. This allows players to access more resources at once, granting them multiple ways to manage their turn.

When a player starts triggering their combo chains, effects are quickly resolved and set in motion. Lots of changes can happen during one round.


The Vaults: a balanced match

Vaults are special card types that enter into play from the beginning. Players can use their guild’s Vault as an extra slot to keep a card on hold and decide to play it only when the right time comes, thus improving their hand management.

Vaults also provide a way to keep a balanced match until the end: they grant additional resources as the player is starting to lose their Cities. The tension between the rival Guilds is always high until the end.

It’s a work in progress image

Agents: controlling randomness

Agents are additional characters that can be hired and used to take temporary control of the market, the Asset Row. When an Agent is placed over an available card, that card can be accessed only as the Agent is defeated in combat, otherwise the player who hired the Agent will gain it for free and ready to be played on their next turn. If they are used wisely, Agents grant a player the precious opportunity to acquire new cards without paying their usual cost, while interfering with the opponent’s strategy, building a sudden chain combo.


Many strategic paths from turn one

Strategy is the core of the game. Players can learn how to master Volfyirion Guilds in many different ways with time and experience. The simple set of rules allows even new players to engage in challenging battles while getting familiar with the dynamics of the game. Other than by destroying the opponent’s cities in battle, players can win through various paths, which start to become accessible from the very first turn. The role of the dragon Volfyirion and its lair is an example of such variety.

Extra rules and playing modes

Players can choose to play Volfyirion Guilds as a standalone game, or to combine it with the first game of the series as a rich expansion with additional rules and new mechanics.

The solo play mode of Volfyirion Guilds is completely renewed, introducing more enemies as additional tarot cards. Epic creatures from the Mysthea Universe are joining the game with their own feats and rules.

Two additional expansions will be released, further details to be announced in the coming Kickstarter campaign.

Asset in work in progress