It's time to introduce you to another monster of Mysthea!
The Onygauros are called "the collectors" because they are infamous pack rats for all kinds of mundane objects.
The Onygauros are a species of huge scarab-like monsters with four arms. They are the smartest creatures other than humans. Onygauros are called “the collectors”, since they live in small caves where they store huge collections of weird items that usually have no value at all for humans, but seem extremely precious to them. Each Onygauros is fascinated by a different kind of item and tend to collect as many variations as possible of it. For example, you could see an Onygauros cave filled with all kind of bottles and then another one filled with drawers, cogs and other mundane things. Beware while venturing into their caves though, since they can become extremely violent to defend their collections.
The Onygauros have impressively detailed miniatures, and they are the biggest of the game! For the most part, these creatures are peaceful collectors, but not always!
Their bizarre behaviour has long been the basis for collaboration with humans, who quickly understood how to please these powerful beasts, making them allies and valuable assets to their armies. While they are excellent warriors due to their size and ability to wield four weapons at once, some are uninterested in engaging in war and can instead be seen trading their strange objects with human merchants. They naturally understand what is valuable to other beings and use this to obtain what they want from each trade.
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