Volarees: Guild of Nobility

So, we have already talked about the first of the ruling Guilds of Ilvash - Kaetur that represents the soldiers and military, and the Magista who represent the scholars. Today, we are introducing Volarees the Guild of Nobility.

Volarees, the Guild of Nobility, represents the interests of the pure-blooded noblemen close to the crown

Volarees, the Guild of Nobility, represents the interests of the pure-blooded noblemen close to the crown

Volarees, the Guild of Nobility, represents the interests of the pure-blooded noblemen close to the crown, who mostly live off their family inheritances. The nobles formed this Guild when they noticed the King was starting to delegate his power. They understood that if they didn’t protect their interests, they could lose a lot in the long term.

Their power is tied to land ownership, and image. If the common folk and other Guilds stopped believing in their power, they could lose their footing in Ilvash very quickly.

They understand the value of land, as almost all of their authority and wealth comes from land titles passed down in the family for generations. They understand even more the possibilities that could be opened if they are able to colonize the newly available lands on the floating islands. They finance the exploration of the Henakor because they believe colonization is essential to maintaining their social status, and thus their power.

In the next stories of the lore of Mysthea, we will introduce the identity of the last of the city's Guilds. Remember, these will be really important to the game, as each player will play under one Guild and its Champion.

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MystheaTabula CrewLore, Guilds